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Great wines created by great sommeliers

When sommeliers become winemakers

Empathy is said to be one of the best ways for humans to understand each other, through the ability to see things from the other’s point of view. However, in the world of wine, from time to time we hear a wine producer saying that a certain sommelier has been too tough on their wines, or that a wine critic does not fully understand a wine. Fortunately these apparent examples of a lack of empathy are relatively rare but when it is believed to occur it is often put down to sommeliers failing to appreciate the work carried out every day in the vineyards and wineries. Most wine professionals know full well that this should not happen and some have even made a move to put themselves in the position of winemakers. For example, prestigious sommeliers like Xavi Nolla, David Seijas, Fernando Mora and Franck Massard have decided to take on the role of wine producers, swapping the wine glass for a hoe as they set to work in their vineyards to create their own wines – with impressive results.